
Installing Dependencies

AWSM utilizes many of the utilities within SMRF. The first step is to read and follow the install instructions for SMRF, found here. Make sure to follow all instructions, including installing IPW.

The source code for SMRF is stored on on GitHub.

If you would like to use the PySnobal within AWSM, you can download and install the package following the guidelines on the PySnobal repo . This is optional.

Installing AWSM

Once the dependencies have been installed for your respective system, the following will install AWSM. It is preferable to use a Python virtual environment to reduce the possibility of a dependency issue. You should use the same virtual environment in which you installed SMRF. You can just source your smrfenv instead of step number 1.

  1. Create a virtualenv and activate it.
virtualenv awsmenv
source awsmenv/bin/activate

Tip: The developers recommend using an alias to quickly turn on and off your virtual environment.

  1. Clone AWSM source code from the ARS-NWRC github.
git clone
  1. Change directories into the AWSM directory. Install the python requirements. After the requirements are done, install AWSM.
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
python install
  1. (Optional) Generate a local copy of the documentation.
cd docs
make html

To view the documentation use the preferred browser to open up the files. This can be done from the browser by opening the index.rst file directly or by the commandline like the following:

google-chrome _build/html/index.html

Testing AWSM

Once everything is installed, you can run a quick test case over a small catchment in Idaho called Reynolds Mountain East (RME).

  1. Move to config file and run case. Start in your AWSM directory
cd test_data/RME_run/
awsm config.ini
  1. Wait for the test run to finish and then view the results.
cd output/rme/devel/wy1998/rme_test/

The iSnobal model outputs will be in the “runs” folder and the distributed SMRF data will be in the “data” folder. Navigate around and see what the outputs look like. You can visualize the .nc (netCDF) files with the ncview utility.